Saturday, August 02, 2008

I'm Proud to say , "hi , I'm a Roughaddict-ors"

(Wondering y ?our face nt Enthu? Cos the hotdog SUX.. too salty )

TOday suddenly , saw Yatu Sms saying : " hahah .. you on NEw paper?"
Soon i found out is Rough addicts on NEW PAPER * ( i nv proud- cos the pic nt nice)

Rough addicts ?
A group formed purely to join Suntec dance 2007 ..
A group formed to join a group as frens.
A group which nv thought of going so far...

This name so Familiar..
and now yet we haven been dancing together since then..
When do we have a chance to dance together as a group ?
yes... you muz be wondering.. don't you see Each other in Studio everytime and dance in class ma?
yes.. but is different you see.. =)
i really wonder..when will tt time come again ?will it even come?
I really hope we can do that . and i mean really really really..
Nothing beats Dancing as rough addicts ...
and i mean NOTHING...

I miss ...................................


Jie jie - the Selective hearing queen

Xin Nian - Hungry get Angry Queen

Chiew Loo - Lagging Freestyle Queen

Ni Nao - Xia Lan Queen

Bec Bec -Eat chili Pissed off Queen

Chien Mui - Nagging Number 1 Queen

Today i see the battleground video on youtube..
i brough a smile to my face..and i always does =)
Until then .. this feeling nv change ....

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