Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Anger is the most destructive and scary forms of the human emotions as it causes short term loss of control.

Even the most "peaceful" of people ironically can get tripped up on anger in intimate relationships where the "letting down of the guard against fear and anger" within a supposedly "loving" and "trusting" relationship is invited, yet becomes the open pathway in a person's psyche through which unusual anger can take hold.

Anger..is being angry?
I'm sure everyone felt angry , pissed off b4..
Hw to u deal with it?

1.Gossip behind someone back?
2.Ignored? Dun say a thing & Keep Quite?
3.Lashed out yr ANGER verbally or physically at an intended target. ???

well .......i believed the third on is the scariest ..

simple action done.. can hurt the person in a certain way ..to a certain extend:

Ignoring when someone trys to communicate?
Slam the door damn hard tt the wall is gonna fall?
Throw books?
Smash windows?
Walking off in anger?
Verbally Abuse ?
Vulgarity flying around?

Etc ..

In all ways in dealing with anger..
Knowing tt is hard ( as u lost yr sense of control)

all mus still Know hw to handle it proberly..
to prevent any harm (pysically / mentally)
to others..

one muz also stand in the shoe of others.
and understand hw they WOULD feel ..in such situation?

doing things that u should't hv done / saying things that u should't hv say to yr frens to hurt u all in anyway
moodswing is a horrible excuses..

i kNow it..
i 've done it..
i tried to cover it ..
i really do ..

but sometimes i failed..

i'm sorry..

What about u ?
r u guilty?

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