Friday, March 30, 2007

Mad rush ..

Is project due date timey
again ..

this time round .. got 4 PROJECT namely :

Service Quality
Biz Ethic
Adv Marketing
Mar Com

is so Packed and rush la!


I go No time to SLEEP..
i luv to sleep..
but nw..
i muz wake up at.... .830am - 930am everyday
for lecture / project..

then muz stay back everyday

everything also project..

i wanna sleep till .. 2PM!


i dread to go to work on SUNDAY ..
cos i can't sleep!!
i muz wake up at 930am also~~
Hur hur

ok ..
i'm grumbling

off i go ..

i need a time out! wah liewwwwwwwwwww......

Me and Yen teared from laughing so hard last night when we thoughtof "YI LU"'s MUm...
looked like someone in NRA . .. . .=X

guess who ...??

Monday, March 26, 2007

do u know tt...

U Simply made mi so S.A.D . .

I feel a distance btw us..


.but hw do i open my mouth
and tell u ?

i miss ya

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Frog Porridge

so long nv eat..

but is ex.


but i 'm Happy + Full!

To all who didn't go today ..
is a loss to u all ..MUHahaha *evil*

Sunday, March 18, 2007



Looking forward to this comp
and yet such thing happen ~~
so SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nw Everyone is disppointed!
Look at what u have done ..

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Human have 3 EXTREME side..

cold / Warm/ fake

is either u treat the person very good ( Warm)


U treat the person like shit ( cold)


maybe u mix the cold / warm together... (FAKE)

Your reply SUX !

Thursday, March 15, 2007

As the title mentioned..

how will do you actually know yourself ?
I'm sure we dun 100% kNow ourseleves ... ourself

Wondering Y do u feel way ..?
wondering y did u do certain things?
wonderin y did u wanna do certain thing?

the answer might be : "I dunno"

I dun even know wat' i'm writing nw..
do i kNow myself?

i duNNo ..

do u kNow me?

hw well do u kNow me?

hw much did u KNow me ?

what did u kNow about me?


Nobody knows mi ..
nt even myself ..

nw lets turn back..
Do i know u ?
I think i duNNo u too ..?


maybe nt well enough ..

i might only Know hw u feel ..
but ..

y did u feel this way ?
i duNNo..

So conclusion might be..

in this world..

we actually didn't know anyone..????
*To u ! : My answer to u ... the other night when u ask me the question about my emotion is nt a Lie ..
i really dunno ..
it juz happen tt way ..

*Minz in her own world*

Monday, March 12, 2007

Busy Busy Bee..

Life has been very very BUSY for me..
daily routine is the same
as i've told linda on our way home the other day ..

Wake up > School > Project > Dance > Home > Project > Sleep

i need sleep!
I wan NUA on my bed ..
Hur hur..

lucky tt's nice movie to watch nowadays
but i need money!
pls let mi win 4d?

watch Music & Lyrics
nt a bad show la..
quite funny
give it a 3.5 / 5 stars =D


Music and Lyrics OST - way back into love

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night

I just can't seem to move on

* i hate the new blogger.. cos i can't see my entry .. BOOO!!"
* I Hate u More for hanging mi there to die *

Saturday, March 10, 2007

=( =( =( =( =(

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Seems like I duNNo hw to express myself anymore..
Everything is kept in within myself


NUMB .. .

How do i express?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Really dislike plp ..
who "slapped" ya..
then .. after a while
pretend that nothing has happen ..
*roll eyes*

"Someone's" EQ gotta be higher yo!!!~

here's a interesting screeenshot:
ME and song chatbox..
LOOK at our "DP"
*ps: she sent mi mine"
They juz dUNNo hw we feel ..!!!!
*throw rocks*
>= \

Saturday, March 03, 2007


1.a person or thing acting or serving in place of another

Question of the day :
Do u find frens substiution ?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Back Back Back!( nt bec)

My Back is irritating me..
causing mi so much misery ..
Cough pain
Lie down pain
Bend pain
sit down pain

Doc say i got Back strain aka Musculoskeletal Disorders
then i spend a bomb on this back
I'm broke again ..


I wanna kNow
What do u think of me thinking of u?